What Happens If You Never Change Your Car’s Oil?

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While drivers may groan every time they spend time taking their vehicle in for an oil change, there’s a good reason why regular changes are recommended and required — many good reasons, in fact. When the oil in the engine breaks down after hundreds of miles, it offers far less protection than when it was new. Poor oil quality can have a cascade of effects on the performance of your car in ways you may have never considered before. So, if you’re interested in learning what happens if you never change your oil, let’s take a look at five problems that can occur.

Reduced Performance

When you neglect an oil change, the car’s engine starts losing its mojo. As time passes, the engine oil — which starts as a slick and efficient agent — gradually transforms into sludge. Dirty oil has a more difficult time lubricating the engine’s moving parts, leading to increased friction. This friction means your car has to work harder to do its usual tasks, resulting in less power. With this in mind, regular oil changes can be seen as the breath of fresh air your car needs to keep its performance peppy.

More Fuel Usage

Not changing your vehicle’s oil can hit your wallet where it hurts — fuel economy. Fresh oil, especially synthetic oil, is excellent at reducing friction in the engine. When oil gets dirty, it loses its friction-reducing abilities, which leads to increased fuel consumption. This means that your car will end up guzzling more gas than usual. As such, keeping up with oil change intervals is a surefire way to keep your vehicle running efficiently and save you trips to the fuel pump.

Increased Engine Wear and Tear

Over time, the oil filter gets clogged with dirt and debris and fails to trap new impurities. This leads to a buildup of dirt and metal particles in the oil, which then act like sandpaper — rubbing against engine components. This excessive engine wear can rapidly degrade vital engine parts and shorten their lifespan. As a result, if you care about keeping your vehicle’s engine in top condition, never turn a blind eye to the change oil light.

Higher Chances of Overheating

Skipping oil changes can also raise the likelihood of overheating risks. Motor oil plays a role in reducing heat internally. However, when oil breaks down, its heat-absorbing capabilities diminish and cause your engine to run hotter than usual. The heat builds up, and without a regular oil change, the engine’s moving parts could seize up — like a clock that’s never wound. This leads to the engine overheating, which can cause a variety of problems on its own.

Complete Engine Failure

If the previously mentioned problems weren’t enough of a reason to schedule an oil change, then it’s important to remember that never changing oil can cause the engine itself to stop working — bringing your vehicle to a halt. As time moves on, the oil loses its viscosity, wears out, and stops lubricating. The engine parts then rub together, causing serious damage. The loss of lubrication leads to increased friction and, eventually, catastrophic engine failure. The cost of fixing a seized engine is a financial blow, one that could have been easily avoided with regular oil changes.

If You Ever Need an Oil Change in Philadelphia, Visit LubeMaster Today

At LubeMaster, we offer motor oil services in the Philadelphia area so that all drivers can keep their vehicles in top shape. Additionally, we also perform emission tests and inspections, as well as brake services, to ensure that your drives are safe and smooth. Call us today to learn more about our services and to schedule one for your vehicle.

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